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Maths in football (Matematika ve fotbale; přednáší Franka Miriam Brueckler)

As far as the general public goes - football is popular, mathematics is not. On the first glance, there are not many connections between the two - some basic arithmetics including percentage usage for following games and championships plus a very little bit of probability if one is into betting seems more than enough for any football fan, player or trainer. However, this is far from true. Both arithmetics, and especially probability (and statistics) relating to football are often far from trivial, and furthermore geometry and operations theory are also related to football. In this talk, aimed to popularise mathematics among football fans, but also football among maths fans, we shall present an overview of interesting, fun, expected as well as unexpected appearances of mathematics in football context - from determination of betting coefficients, over explanation of why the penalty success percentages do not vary much between top and not so top championships, up to relation of Voronoi diagrams to football strategy.

Přednáška bude trvat 45-60 minut a je vhodná pro posluchače od 14 let, některé části i pro posluchače od 12 let.

Více o přednášející zde: https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/math/en/franka_miriam.bruckler

Přednáška bude proslovena anglicky. Překlad zajištěn.

Místo konání: 
Pedagogická fakulta MU, Poříčí 31, Brno učebna 37 (budova D, 3. NP)
Datum konání: 
4. Září 2023 - 14:00
Složka JČMF: 
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